SEK Interlocal#637

Special Education Certified Teacher

USD 505 Chetopa K-12 Inclusion/Resource Room Special Education Teacher

2025-2026 School Year

Job Description



The Special Education Teacher is an instructor of students with special needs and is responsible for the collaborative development of individualized education plans and services in the buildings assigned. To carry out these tasks, the Special Education Teacher must work closely with students, parents, general and special education staff, and general and special education administration.


Responsible To:

Director, Assistant Directors, Special Education Coordinators, and building Principal



Based on educational level, certification(s), and years of experience





Physical Requirements/Environmental Conditions:

General Responsibilities:

© 2010 SEK Interlocal #637


In-person position located at Chetopa School in Chetopa, Kansas, for the 2025-2026 School Year